#!/usr/local/bin/python ####################################################### # source code for webdecide.cgi, used with deciderata.cgi below, and also with # webdecide.html found at http://www.awaretek.com/webdecide.html: # runs on the server, reads form input, does calculations, prints html; ####################################################### import cgi import string import sys from string import * sys.stderr = sys.stdout form = cgi.FieldStorage() # parse form data print "Content-type: text/html\n\n" # plus blank line Options = form['options'].value.split(",") Criteria = form['criteria'].value.split(",") Weights = form['weights'].value.split(",") Criteria = map(lambda x: strip(x), Criteria) Options = map(lambda x: strip(x), Options) Weights = map(lambda x: strip(x), Weights) Criteria = [c for c in Criteria if c != ""] Options = [option for option in Options if option != ""] html = "
" text = "Enter your score, or ranking, for each Criteria for each Option, using a number from 1 to 100, with 1 being a low score and 100 being the highest score " text = text + """
""" for c in Criteria: c = c.replace(" ", "") text = text + "

" text = text + "Enter scores for criteria " + c for option in Options: c= c.strip() option = option.replace(" ", "") option=option.strip() text = text + "" + "" text = text + "
" + option + "

" print html % text ######################################################## ####################################################### #!/usr/local/bin/python ####################################################### # Second, seperate file; deciderata.cgi to be used with webdecide.cgi above # and with webdecide.html ####################################################### import cgi import string import sys from string import * sys.stderr = sys.stdout form = cgi.FieldStorage() # parse form data print "Content-type: text/html\n\n" # plus blank line Options = form['Options'].value.split(",") Criteria = form['Criteria'].value.split(",") Weights = form['Weights'].value.split(",") Criteria = [c.replace(" ", "") for c in Criteria] Options = [option.replace(" ", "") for option in Options] Importance = dict(zip(Criteria, Weights)) scores = {} results ={} for option in Options: value = 0 for c in Criteria: value = value + int(form[option + "Score" + c].value) * int(Importance[c]) scores[option] = value html = """
""" results = scores.items() results.sort(lambda x,y: -cmp(x[1], y[1])) finis = "" for option, result in results: finis = finis + "
" + option + " scores " + str(result) finis = finis +"" + "

" + str((results[0])[0]) + " is the right choice for you to make!
" text = finis print html % text