A Program to Help You Choose a Programming Language

Which Programming Language is right for you?

Python, Java, C/C++, Perl, Ruby, Lisp/Sceme, JavaScript, PHP, VB, or C#?

By ranking the importance of the criteria below, you can use this program to help you choose between ten of the most popular programming languages today, Java, Visual Basic, C#, JavaScript, PHP, Lisp/Scheme, C/C++, Perl, Python, or Ruby. Input an integer from 1 to 100, as a weight or relative importance factor for each of the criteria below. 1 means that the criterion is not very important to you, 100 means that it is extremely important to you. No one programming language is perfect for all people at all times for all jobs; but if you carefully rank the relative importance to you of all the criteria below, you will find out, scientifically, which programming language is right for you at this time ;-))))

ease of learning the language

ease of using the language....

speed of program execution..

quality of available tools......

popularity of the language....

power and expressiveness......

cross-platform availability....

low cost of language tools.....

ease of client side web scripting.

ease of server side web scripting.

Click to score the languages suitability to you!

Scores: Higher is better. Do not write in here.

Reset to zeroes and try again?

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